​Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa

Departments - Care and Social Policies

Time to get working!

  1. How much does this Department receive according to the Kontuak Garbi document?
  2. Today you had a family meeting. Your parents told you all they want to discuss something. Specifically, they want to know how you would all feel about having a new person in the family. What is a foster family? What do you think of this service offered by the provincial government? For more information, please read the following article: Foru Aldundia harrera familien bila dabil tutoretzapeko 45 adingaberentzat.
  3. Find three news stories related to this department in the provincial government's digital press office. Digital Press Office. Notes and Communications.
  4. Do families receive financial aid if they need to look after a person who is dependent due to old age or disability?
  5. The Provincial Government has launched various programs to facilitate the integration of people with intellectual disabilities What conditions must such people fulfil?
  6. Are there day centres in your town for people with disabilities? What is a day centre? What activities are carried out in these centres? If there aren't any, find out what is the closest municipality where this service is provided. Do they receive financial aid from the provincial government?
  7. The provincial government offers the possibility of hiring support staff to promote autonomy amongst dependent persons. Do you think this is necessary? In which issues or situations can they help?
  8. Mary is an 80-year-old widow. She has no children or grandchildren. She struggles to live on her own, but does not want to go to a nursing home as she does not want to leave her house. She has heard about the Sendian programme on the radio Could you help her find information about the programme?
  9. What conditions must be met by people who are in situations of social exclusion to be admitted to a nursing home? Who should handle such requests?
  10. Do you think the services we have discussed so far are necessary? What would the consequences in all of the above cases if we did not pay our taxes?
