Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa

Departments - Mobility, Tourism and Spatial Planning

Functions and areas of activity

  1. Transport and planning.
  2. In terms of bicycle lane infrastructure: planning; updating of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Cycle Routes Network Catalogue; programming of the investments and financing of all the works of cycle paths; construction of bicycle path infrastructures not integrated into road construction projects; extraordinary conservation; demarcation and demarcation of the provincial bicycle lanes; ownership transfers; and promotion of the use of bicycles and cycle paths.
  3. Tourism.
  4. Provincial planning and cohesion.
  5. Fostering and supervision of town planning.
  6. Promotion and supervision of urban planning.
  7. Promotion of Territory and land management.
  8. Construction and rehabilitation of Provincial Council buildings for its own administrative use.
  9. The definition of the policy and technical management of real estate and movable assets other than business assets.
  10. Territorial information.
  11. The other faculties attributed to it by the applicable regulations.


Time to get working!