Basque Government

Departments - Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment

Functions and areas of activity

The Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment has the following functions and areas of action:

  1. Industrial policy and business competitiveness.
  2. Innovation and technology.
  3. Promotion and development of the Information and Knowledge Society in Basque society, without prejudice to actions in the field of electronic administration and government.
  4. Industrial and business internationalization.
  5. Proposal and execution of the Government's policy for digital transformation and the development and promotion of artificial intelligence.
  6. Energy and mines.
  7. Encouragement and promotion of crafts.
  8. Agricultural and livestock promotion and management.
  9. Rural development and its economic diversification.
  10. Livestock and mountains.
  11. Protection of animals.
  12. Hunting and inland fishing.
  13. Fishing.
  14. Agricultural, fishing and food industries and marketing.
  15. First forest transformation industries.
  16. Agri-food policy: promotion, typification, denomination of origin and quality control of agri-food products.
  17. Viticulture and oenology.
  18. Agricultural and nautical-fishing training, in accordance with the provisions of article 10.1.b) of this Decree. Promotion of professional agricultural and maritime-fishing training. Agricultural and oceanographic research, without prejudice to the provisions of article 10.1.c) of this Decree.
  19. Energy transition.
  20. Environment. Fight against climate change.
  21. Circular economy.
  22. Conservation of natural heritage.
  23. waters. Canals and irrigation.
  24. Management of natural resources and nature conservation.
  25. Ports and maritime affairs.
  26. Direct, in accordance with the laws and regulations, the attached public sector entities dependent on the department.
  27. Other faculties attributed to it by laws and regulations.


The public entities under private law «SPRI-Basque Business Development Agency», «Energiaren Euskal Erakundea / Ente Vasco de la Energía (EEE/EVE)», «Uraren Euskal Agentzia / Basque Water Agency» and «Agencia Vasca del Agua» are attached to this department. Euskadiko Kirol Portuak»; the public companies «NEIKER-Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, S.A.», «Ihobe, S.A. Public Society for Environmental Management" and "Zumaiako Kirol Portua, S.A."; the public sector foundations “HAZI Fundazioa Foundation” and “ELIKA Nekazaritzako Elikagaien Segurtasunerako Euskal Fundazioa-Basque Foundation for Agrifood Security”; and the “Basque Scientific-Technological Consortium Basque Research and Technology Alliance”.


Time to get working!