Basque Government

Departments - Public Governance and Self-Government

Functions and areas of activity

The Department of Public Governance and Self-Government has the following functions and areas of action:

  1. Relationships and communications with the Parliament, the Commisioner of the State (ombudsman) and other institutions.
  2. The regional development policy and the coordination, for this purpose, of the actions of the departments.
  3. The Government Secretariat.
  4. The Official Gazette of the Basque Country.
  5. Public employment, administrative organization and legal regime and remuneration of personnel.
  6. Modernization and reform of the Administration, as well as digital administration and electronic government and transparency policy. Management of the Irekia-Open Government platform.
  7. Protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data.
  8. The legal defense of the Statute of Autonomy.
  9. The Legal Service of the Basque Government and, in general, the exercise of the functions of internal control of legality and general legal advice.
  10. The representation and defense in court of the Basque Government and its bodies.
  11. Foral and Special Civil Law of the Basque Country.
  12. Local regime.
  13. Regime of the organization and procedure of the Basque Public Administrations, as well as the design of the application model of the Basque Public Governance in the definition and execution of public policies.
  14. Associations, Foundations and Professional Colleges, without prejudice to the relations that, concerning said entities, the departments maintain in their sectoral scope.
  15. Multi-departmental services and editorial activity.
  16. Information systems and corporate telecommunications.
  17. Direct, in accordance with the laws and regulations, the public sector entities attached or dependent on the department.
  18. Other faculties attributed to it by laws and regulations.


The Euskadi Legal Advisory Commission is attached to this department; the autonomous administrative body «Herri Arduralaritzaren Euskal Erakundea / Basque Institute of Public Administration (IVAP)»; and the public companies "Itelazpi, S.A." and «Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Informatika Elkartea-Sociedad Informática del Gobierno Vasco, S.A. (EJIE)